Thursday, March 25, 2010

Trip is booked!!

Brock and I are going to Mexico this summer for our 4 year anniverary. After meeting with a travel agent and changing the location of our trip we decieded on the maya riviera, mexico. We are staying at a great resort, Secrets Silversands resort( We are leaving on June 12th for 5 nights. I am looking foward to just lying on the beach or by the pool relaxing.
This will be the longest I have ever been away from Sierra, I think that part will hit me more when it gets closer to June. We hope to use Skype to talk to Sierra.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hurry, hurry

The other night Sierra was watching the movie UP with Daddy. At one part of the movie there was some dogs that were chasing the people, Sierra's eyes got big and started to yell "hurry, hurry...". Everyday she surprises me with what she knows.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Photos posted

I have posted new photos on my shutterfly site. Link on the link to the right under Buchli's photos to view.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Had to go to the Dr. again

Sierra had a rough weekend with getting up way to early for mom and dad. She was acting the same way as she was a couple of weeks ago when she had an ear infection. When I asked Sierra is something hurt she would point to her right ear and say "hurt". Brock took her to the Dr. this morning and her right ear still has the infection, so they bumped her up to a different medication that is stronger. The side effects are upset stomach and diarrhea.