Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Big Announcement!!!!

Sierra is going to be a BIG sister!!! I am currently 9 1/2 weeks along and due Nov 19th. We had our first ultrasound about 2 weeks ago and everything is looking great! I am having morning sickness again just like I did with Sierra. I hope it will end at 12 weeks like it did with Sierra. We are going to find out the sex of the baby, I am thinking that will be in July/Aug. I will keep everyone posted on the progress. We are very excited!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

What a beautiful day we had for Easter. The day started out great with getting sierra in her Easter dress(with a little help from sweet-tarts) and her new white shoes. Getting the shoes on was a big deal because for the last month the only shoes she will wear are her tennis shoes. I have bought her new one but she refuses to put them on or when I get one on she would throw a fit and start crying. I think the candy was the key factor on getting the shoes on. It was not until we were in the car she figured out she had new shoes on. She started say "shoes, don't want, shoes don't want" but luckily still kept them on.

Sierra was really good through out the whole church service. At the end of Church anyone who wants can go up with the choir to see sing the last song of the service. My dad ended up going up so we pointed out to Sierra that "papa" was up there. Right before they started to sing the whole church was quite and Sierra yells out from the back of the church "Papa!!" Everyone around started laughing, I think everyone in the church heard but Papa.

After we went to church we headed up to Columbus, NE to my Mom's cousin house for lunch. We had a great lunch with family. After lunch the guys went out and hid 100 eggs that were filled by my Great Aunt and Uncle. Sierra did a great job finding the eggs, she ended up with 26 eggs. She would get so excited and yell egg, egg when she saw one. The eggs were filled with either, dimes, quarter or candy. Sierra ended up with mostly money amounting to $2.15.

While in town we went to visit our good friends Todd and Jess Sebade. Sierra loved it there also because they had 2 cats. I don't think the cats were as excited to see Sierra. Sierra kept running into the bedroom to check on the cat and try to get him to play with the golf ball.