Thursday, July 1, 2010

20 week dr appt.

I had my 20 week appt yesterday. Everything is going great. We got to hear the heartbeat again. Last month the baby's heartbeat was 152, this month it is 143. Per the Myths I told Brock with the low rate it could be a boy. Brock is holding that to be true. We made out appt for the big ultrasound for July 13th. We are going to find out the sex of the baby at that time.
I am starting to get my baby bump, I am starting to look more pregnant then just fat. I have not had any sickness for the last month and have had a lot more engergy now. In the last couople of weeks I have started to feel the baby move, Brock has not yet got to feel the baby yet but that will still be a few more weeks until he can do that.

1 comment:

  1. So according to the Chinese Birth chart, you are going to have a boy. Now we just need to pick a name.
